Configuration file contains the following LDAP parameters:

  "ldap_binddn": "cn=admin,dc=example,dc=org",
  "ldap_bindpassword": "admin_password",
  "ldap_server": "localhost:1389",
  "ldap_searchdn": "ou=users,dc=example,dc=org",
  "ldap_searchfilter": "(&(objectClass=inetOrgPerson)(uid=%s))",
  "ldap_mappings": {
    "dn": "",
    "mail": "uid",
    "uid": "uid",
    "cn": "cn"
  "ldap_enable": true,
  "ldap_needtls": false,

ldap_mappings used to convert LDAP fields to the following Semaphore fields:

  • ldap_mappings.uid — user login.

  • ldap_mappings.mail — user email.

  • ldap_mappings.cn — user name.

Use ldapwhoami tool to check if your binddn works:

  -H ldap://ldap.com:389\
  -D "CN=/your/ldap_binddn/value/in/config/file"\

It will ask interactively for the password, and should return code 0 and echo out the DN as specified.

Please read Troubleshooting section if you have issues with LDAP.

Last updated